Legal standards as a minimum requirement Directive (EC) No.1/2005 on the protection of animals during transport (EU 2005)
- Limited transport times
- Controlled transports
Directive (EC) No.1099/2009 on the protection of animals at the time of killing (EU 2009)
- Avoidance of stress and pain
- Slaughtering only by qualified personnel
Standardized slaughter regulation (1099/2009/EU in force from 2013)
- Type of killing or stunning
- Veterinary medicine control
- No processing of hides from wild animals according to the Washington Convention (1983)
Adherence to animal welfare in the supply chain:
- Active control of our suppliers
- We only use suppliers who are committed to animal welfare
- Regular auditing of suppliers by Wollsdorf
- Adherence up to the slaughterhouse is ensured.
Traceability Responsibility toward our customers and employees Traceability and product safety of utilized raw materials:
- Goods receiving controls, supplier audits, chemical assessments, ongoing emission measurements and risk analyses in product development
- Tracing raw materials, semi-finished and finished products by labelling
- Pure-batch usage of chemicals
- Ongoing analyses and random sampling to ensure adherence