Why does my cart not show an accurate total?
How to order by the hide.
How to order by the sq ft (min order quantity is 1 hide).
Shipping rates explained.
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What does it mean to check out as a guest?
How to use our website
How to order.
Shipping rates.
Logging into your account.
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Use the filtering tool.
Tricks to find what you're looking for easily.
Narrow down search results.
Specifications on items.
More information for each leather!
How to find thickness, softness, finish, and more!
You can see how the specs differ from other leathers.
Tips and Tricks to using HideHouse.com
Information on all the capabilities of our website.
Ordering samples, sample cards and leather hides.
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1,000,000's of square feet in our warehouse.
1,000's of hides available to ship daily.
1,000's of colors, finishes, thicknesses, patterns and more.